**** Homepage, VHOST and MetaARPA Utilities **** url Look up an SDF user's URL dues Display you current membership dues status mdns Update your dynamic DNS mkcron Manage your cronjobs mkgopher This command sets up your GOPHERSPACE directory and allows you create titles and descriptions for your site. mkhomepg This command sets up your initial homepage directory $HOME/html with proper links. You can then upload files via FTP or Z/X/Y/Modem mkhomepg can also be used to create your own custom URL and be used to set proper file permissions for cgis and html mkvhost If you are in the ARPA group, you can run this to setup your own DNS record and include your host as a 'virtual host' on SDF. mkvlist Manage your mailing lists mkvpm If you are in the ARPA group and a VHOST member you can use this command to setup, modify or delete virtual pop3 mailboxes associated with your domain. This can also be used to toggle aliases and set your SMTP AUTH shared secret. vpmstat Lists all VPM mailboxes (active and inactive), their size and the last time they were written to. vpmclear Allows you to clear specific VPM mailbox files. rsync MetaARPA can use this utility to as a faster, flexible replacement for rcp setvmail MetaARPA members can use this utility to toggle any of the 36 domains available as email addresses webquota Displays your current webquota used/available